Elimination of information silos
Computer Weekly: Cai total, SAIC could briefly talk about the original purpose of the implementation of office automation?
Cai total: there is a need, only information, so that a small stall owners is not necessary to achieve office automation. As dozens of joint ventures under its jurisdiction, office locations scattered, wide range of businesses large auto industry groups, if the traditional office methods, relying on paper to convey, through telephone calls, by the upper and lower legs and feet, the transfer of information outside the group and exchange will certainly be a very difficult problem, now seems difficult to imagine. Accelerate the achievement of office automation are also become an urgent task.
It should be said, before the Implementation of Office Automation, SAIC's office software and hardware infrastructure, the environment, compared with domestic large enterprises are also good, can solve the individual's office automation. But the staff has been accustomed to the traditional office methods, Duo meet the general transaction processing and simple information management, the lack of a guarantee information security, 楂樻晥, stability, and orderly movement of the platform, sharing resources Bu Neng, the information aspect to mobile Bushun Chang. Between the Group subsidiaries, the company departments, departments on the lower level, between the parallel level to form a an isolated "information islands", tying up the flow of information smooth and seriously affected the office efficiency and erosion of many employees at work. SAIC enterprise information as a basis for project areas, implementation of office automation project is to achieve the information flow to reach for the scientific and rational control and improve the efficiency of the company office to serve the supreme goal of the Group implemented.
Revealed: the Internet Age, management objectives from the logistics, capital flow, information flow across gradually. In the specific enterprise, the information flow more representative of electronic documents, it can effectively improve the interaction efficiency of office, and office practice is through the internal people, people and departments, departments of information collection, accumulation, organization, classification, sharing and dissemination of such acts of coordination, the process of achieving their overall objectives. Therefore, the implementation of office automation is the control and management information flow directly reality.
Strength decided to
Computer Weekly: I heard that you have chosen to open Shanghai Kingdee think the OA system, why not other similar office system?
Cai Total: before the implementation of the project, to define their goals, needs analysis is important. However, the choice of a line of office automation systems to their needs is by no means an easy task. If the internal office affairs, workflow, information collection, dissemination of the process is not clear, select the software does not adhere to the "me-oriented" concept, the end will have unexpected problems arise. Not the purpose of enterprise information to be effectively established the basis of need, SAIC was selected rather than other CASE OA is the result after repeated comparisons results.
Shanghai SAIC value of the brand to open thinking. CASE OA has more than 200 large enterprises and successful user experience should be said to be very rich, and has maintained a development trend of innovation in system maintenance, updates are also essential to keep up with the modern enterprise specific management, office services innovation . SAIC has always had good ideas and open basis for cooperation, our Group Sales Corporation of Shandong distribution center is also being thought to use the open system solutions for customer relationship management, has played an important role.
In addition, and more importantly, open thinking is based on modern knowledge management theory to the development of this OA system, the information and knowledge as the core business of wealth and emphasizing a comprehensive knowledge of enterprise management. The concept of full integration with the international management, the company aim at the forefront among the world's automotive industry for SAIC, it can be said that the management of another sense, secondary. Based on this concept developed by CASE OA system is consistent with the overall management of SAIC, in reality can be better integrated into the management of the group specific and corporate culture.
Voice: The author of interviews that Cai total only bit longer than the management of clumsy technology leader, did not know Mr. Cai Longgen in IT sector dip for many years, enterprise information with a deep understanding and rich implementation of the implementation of practical experience , so I guess the end of this rather embarrassing.
Background: On thinking of the OA system for the enterprises to use Lotus Domino / Notes of the rich and powerful platform for performance, combined with advanced Internet / Intranet technology. It is more in line with China's national conditions, such as office management in many official documents and meetings, referrals to other characteristics of complex reporting procedures, and strive to feature a comprehensive and detailed, easy operation, information exchange and sharing of the internet. Apply to government agencies, social organizations, enterprises, financial institutions, hospitals, schools, research institutions and other kinds of units. Hardware environment in a variety of local area network (LAN), internal network (Intranet), Internet (Internet) use. Also supports handwriting input, voice recognition input and image-office application scanning technology provides us with beautiful, convenient, easy-use environment. At the same time it seems to give special consideration to the use of OA software units, full realization of the paperless office is a process, CASE OA supports both paper and paperless office mode hybrid mode, the user units to help smooth the transition.
Top leader is not a nominal
Computer Weekly: Enterprise information is the "first in command," but the reality is that many business leaders are very faint sense of information that enterprise information is a purely technical engineering, information technology for office automation in the process of part, by the information center, Technology grasped on the line, SAIC OA system implementation for the presence of the same problem?
Cai General: In our SAIC, "Enterprise Information" is not merely fashionable word in words, in fact, as early as three years ago or more, SAIC will be made in office automation and other aspects of science a reasonable plan and put in the implementation. We here, "enterprise information," not merely "the number one project", if only by a few leaders of the attention and participation, it may even a simple lack of specific implementation projects. Information in the course of the Group, to promote all levels of management, all staff involved. Although only the first office automation office automation equipment, Shi Yong, but it solves a big problem in many people's office, obvious effect, involving, change very little, and Rong Yi was staff acceptance, Chule of funds, not to mention need Lingdaotebie attention. The implementation of the CASE OA system, covers a large, need to change the traditional working patterns.
In addition, if the office automation not fully implemented, will not see further results. Therefore, the successful implementation of the commitment and leadership on the degree of attention and collaboration of all staff have a great relationship. Now dozens of joint venture affiliated group within the company are basically the implementation of this project, and group leaders, managers at all levels, overall participation of all employees are inseparable.
Revealed: a modern office automation project, which calls attention to the top leadership, the organization needs to be guaranteed on the need to implement the necessary funding, the need for the formulation and implementation of related programs. The higher the level of office automation, the greater the change in the mode of work, touch things the more difficult to achieve, the more need for leaders in the system, such as practical support staff. Without such protection, there may be a traditional office methods and office automation separation phenomenon, office automation can only be empty talk.
Elimination of information silos
Computer Weekly: Cai total, whether brief talk about the implementation of office automation SAIC, the original intention?
Cai total: there is a need, only information, so that a small stall owners is not necessary to achieve office automation. As dozens of joint ventures under its jurisdiction, office locations scattered, wide range of businesses large auto industry groups, if the traditional office methods, relying on paper to convey, through telephone calls, by the upper and lower legs and feet, the transfer of information outside the group and exchange will certainly be a very difficult problem, now seems difficult to imagine. Accelerate the achievement of office automation are also become an urgent task.
It should be said, before the Implementation of Office Automation, SAIC's office software and hardware infrastructure, the environment, compared with domestic large enterprises are also good, can solve the individual's office automation. But employees still used the traditional method of office, multi-transaction processing to meet the general and simple information management, the lack of an information security, efficiency, stability, and orderly movement of the platform, resources can not be shared, vertical and horizontal information flow is not smooth. Between the Group subsidiaries, the company departments, departments on the lower level, between the parallel level to form a an isolated "information islands", tying up the flow of information smooth and seriously affected the office efficiency and erosion of many employees at work. SAIC enterprise information as a basis for project areas, implementation of office automation project is to reach to reach the information flow of scientific and rational control and improve the efficiency of the company office to serve the supreme goal of the Group implemented.
Revealed: the Internet Age, management objectives from the logistics, capital flow, information flow across gradually.鍦ㄥ叿浣撶殑浼佷笟涓紝淇℃伅娴佹洿澶氬湴浣撶幇涓虹數瀛愭枃妗o紝瀹冪殑浜や簰鑳芥湁鏁堟敼鍠勫姙鍏殑鏁堢巼锛岃?鍔炲叕瀹為檯涓婂張鏄?杩囦紒涓氬唴閮ㄤ汉涓庝汉銆佷汉涓庨儴闂ㄣ?閮ㄩ棬涔嬮棿淇℃伅鐨勬敹闆嗐?绉疮銆佺粍缁囥?鍒嗙被銆佸叡浜?浼犳挱绛夎涓虹殑鍗忚皟锛屽疄鐜颁紒涓氭暣浣撶洰鏍囩殑杩囩▼銆傚洜姝わ紝瀹炵幇鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栨鏄帶鍒剁鐞嗕俊鎭祦鐨勭洿鎺ョ幇瀹炪?
銆??钄℃?锛氬湪椤圭洰瀹炴柦鍓嶏紝瑕佹槑纭嚜宸辩殑鐩爣锛岄渶姹傚垎鏋愬崄鍒嗛噸瑕併?浣嗘槸閫夋嫨涓?釜绗﹀悎鑷韩闇?鐨勫姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲绯荤粺缁濅笉鏄竴浠跺鏄撶殑浜嬫儏銆傚鏋滃浼佷笟鍐呴儴鍔炲叕瀹や簨鍔°?宸ヤ綔娴佺▼銆佷俊鎭敹闆嗐?浼犳挱鐨勮繃绋嬩笉鏄庢櫚锛岄?鎷╄蒋浠朵笉鍧氭寔"浠ユ垜涓烘湰"鐨勮蹇碉紝鍒板ご鏉ユ剰鎯充笉鍒扮殑闂浼氱悍绾峰嚭鐜般?浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栦笉鏄洰鐨勶紝蹇呴』鍒囧疄鍦板缓绔嬪湪闇?鐨勫熀纭?笂锛屼笂姹芥渶缁堥?瀹欳ASE OA鑰屼笉鏄叾瀹冩槸缁忚繃鍙嶅姣旇緝璁鸿瘉鍚庣殑缁撴灉銆?br />
銆??涓婃苯鐪嬮噸涓婃捣寮??鐨勫搧鐗屼紭鍔裤?CASE OA鎷ユ湁瓒呰繃200瀹跺ぇ鍨嬩紒浜嬩笟鎴愬姛鐢ㄦ埛锛岀粡楠屽簲璇ヨ鍗佸垎涓板瘜锛岃?涓斾竴鐩翠繚鎸佺潃涓嶆柇鍒涙柊鐨勫彂灞曟?鍔匡紝鍦ㄧ郴缁熺殑缁存姢銆佹洿鏂版柟闈篃鍩烘湰鑳藉璺熶笂鐜颁唬浼佷笟鍏蜂綋绠$悊鏂瑰紡銆佸姙鍏簨鍔$殑鍒涙柊銆備笂姹介泦鍥笌寮??涓?洿鏈夌潃鑹ソ鐨勫悎浣滃熀纭?紝鎴戜滑闆嗗洟閿?敭鎬诲叕鍙哥殑灞变笢鍒嗛攢涓績鐩墠涔熸浣跨敤鐫?紑鎬濆鎴峰叧绯荤鐞嗙郴缁熻В鍐虫柟妗堬紝宸茬粡鍙戞尌浜嗛噸瑕佺殑浣滅敤銆?br />
銆??姝ゅ锛屼篃鏄洿閲嶈鐨勪竴鐐癸紝寮??鏄熀浜庣幇浠g煡璇嗙鐞嗙悊璁烘潵寮?彂鐨勮繖娆綩A绯荤粺锛屾妸淇℃伅涓庣煡璇嗕綔涓轰紒涓氱殑璐㈠瘜鍜屾牳蹇冿紝寮鸿皟瀵逛紒涓氫腑鐨勭煡璇嗚繘琛屽叏闈㈢殑绠$悊銆傝繖涓?悊蹇典笌鍥介檯绠$悊鏂瑰紡瀹屽叏鎺ヨ建锛屽浜庡織鍦ㄨ坊韬笘鐣屾苯杞﹁涓氫紒涓氬墠鍒楃殑涓婃苯闆嗗洟鏉ヨ锛屼篃鍙互璇存槸鍙︿竴绉嶆剰涔変笂鐨勭鐞嗚緟鍔┿?鍩轰簬杩欎竴鐞嗗康寮?彂鍑虹殑CASE OA绯荤粺闈炲父绗﹀悎涓婃苯闆嗗洟鏁翠綋鐨勭鐞嗘ā寮忥紝鍦ㄧ幇瀹炰腑鑳借緝濂藉湴铻嶅叆鏁翠釜闆嗗洟鍏蜂綋鐨勭鐞嗗伐浣滀互鍙婁紒涓氭枃鍖栦箣涓?
銆??璇濆闊筹細绗旇?閲囪鍓嶄互涓鸿敗鎬诲彧鏄綅闀夸簬绠$悊鑰屾嫏浜庢妧鏈殑棰嗗锛屼笉鏅撳緱钄¢緳鏍瑰厛鐢熸浘鍦↖T鐣屾蹈鏌撳骞达紝瀵逛紒涓氫俊鎭寲鏈夌潃娣卞埢鐨勮璇嗭紝涓旀湁涓板瘜鐨勫疄鏂借惤瀹炵殑瀹炴垬缁忛獙锛岃繖绉嶇寽鎯充护绗旇?鏈?粓棰囦负灏村艾銆?br />
銆??鑳屾櫙锛氬紑鎬濈殑OA绯荤粺闈㈠悜骞垮ぇ浼佷簨涓氬崟浣嶏紝鍒╃敤Lotus Domino/Notes鐨勪赴瀵屽己澶х殑鍔熻兘鍜屽钩鍙版?鑳斤紝缁撳悎浜嗗厛杩涚殑Internet/Intranet鎶?湳銆傚畠姣旇緝绗﹀悎涓浗鍥芥儏锛屾瘮濡傚姙鍏鐞嗗伐浣滀腑鍏枃鍜屼細璁箒澶氥?璇风ず姹囨姤绋嬪簭澶嶆潅绛夌壒鐐癸紝鍔涙眰鍔熻兘鍏ㄩ潰鑰岀粏鑷达紝鎿嶄綔绠?崟鏂逛究锛屽己璋冪綉缁滀俊鎭氦娴佸拰鍏变韩銆傞?鐢ㄤ簬鏀垮簻鏈哄叧銆佺ぞ浼氬洟浣撱?浼佷笟銆侀噾铻嶆満鏋勩?鍖婚櫌銆佸鏍°?绉戠爺鏈烘瀯绛夊悇绫诲崟浣嶃?鍙互鍦ㄥ绉嶇‖浠剁幆澧冪殑灞?煙缃?LAN)銆佸唴閮ㄧ綉(Intranet)銆佷簰鑱旂綉(Internet)涓婁娇鐢ㄣ?鍚屾椂杩樻敮鎸佹墜鍐欒緭鍏ャ?璇煶杈撳叆鍙婂浘璞℃壂鎻忚瘑鍒瓑杈呭姪鍔炲叕搴旂敤鎶?湳锛屼负鎴戜滑鎻愪緵浜嗙編瑙傘?鏂逛究銆佹槗瀛︽槗鐢ㄧ殑浣跨敤鐜銆傚悓鏃跺畠浼间箮鐗瑰埆鑰冭檻鍒板悇鍗曚綅浣跨敤OA杞欢锛屽叏闈㈠疄鐜板姙鍏棤绾稿寲闇?涓?釜杩囩▼锛孋ASE OA鍚屾椂鏀寔鏃犵焊鍖栧拰鏈夌焊鏂瑰紡鐨勬贩鍚堝姙鍏ā寮忥紝甯姪鐢ㄦ埛鍗曚綅椤哄埄杩囨浮銆?br />
涓?妸鎵嬩笉鏄寕鍚?br />銆??璁$畻鏈哄懆鍒婏細浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栨槸"涓?妸鎵嬪伐绋?amp;quot;锛屼絾鐜板疄涓嵈鐪嬪埌涓嶅皯浼佷笟棰嗗淇℃伅鍖栨剰璇嗗崄鍒嗘贰婕狅紝璁や负浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖栨槸涓?」绾补鐨勬妧鏈伐绋嬶紝瀵逛簬淇℃伅鍖栬繃绋嬩腑鐨勫姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲涓?幆锛岄潬淇℃伅涓績銆佹妧鏈儴鎶撲竴涓嬪氨琛屼簡锛屼笂姹介泦鍥A绯荤粺瀹炴柦杩囩▼涓槸鍚﹀瓨鍦ㄥ悓鏍风殑闂锛?br />
銆??钄℃?锛氬湪鎴戜滑涓婃苯闆嗗洟锛?amp;quot;浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖?amp;quot;涓嶆槸浠呬粎鍋滅暀鍦ㄥ彛澶翠笂鐨勬椂楂﹁瘝姹囷紝浜嬪疄涓婏紝鏃╁湪涓夊勾鍓嶇敋鑷虫洿涔咃紝涓婃苯闆嗗洟渚垮湪鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栫瓑鏂归潰浣滀簡绉戝鍚堢悊鐨勮鍒掑苟閫愪竴钀藉疄瀹炴柦銆傚湪鎴戜滑杩欓噷锛?amp;quot;浼佷笟淇℃伅鍖?amp;quot;涔熶笉浠呬粎鏄?amp;quot;涓?妸鎵嬪伐绋?amp;quot;锛屽鏋滀粎闈犲嚑浣嶉瀵肩殑閲嶈涓庡弬涓庯紝寰堝彲鑳借繛涓?釜绠?崟鐨勯」鐩篃寰椾笉鍒板叿浣撶殑钀藉疄銆傚湪闆嗗洟淇℃伅鍖栬繃绋嬩腑锛屾彁鍊″悇灞傜骇鐨勭鐞嗚?銆佸叏浣撳憳宸ョ殑鍙備笌銆傛渶鍒濈殑鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栬櫧鍙槸鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栬澶囩殑浣跨敤锛屼絾瀹冭В鍐充簡浜轰滑鍔炲叕鐨勮澶氬ぇ闂锛屾晥鏋滄槑鏄撅紝鑰屾秹鍙娿?鏀瑰姩鐨勪笢瑗垮皯锛屽鏄撹鍛樺伐鎺ュ彈锛岄櫎浜嗚祫閲戠殑闂锛岃皥涓嶄笂闇?棰嗗鐗瑰埆鐨勯噸瑙嗐?鑰屽疄鏂紺ASE OA绯荤粺锛屾秹鍙婇潰澶э紝蹇呴』鏀瑰彉浼犵粺鐨勫伐浣滄ā寮忋?
銆??姝ゅ锛屽鏋滃姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲娌℃湁鐪熸鍏ㄩ潰瀹炴柦鐨勮瘽锛屽氨涓嶄細瑙佸埌杩涗竴姝ョ殑鏁堟灉銆傚洜姝わ紝鑳藉惁鎴愬姛瀹炴柦锛屽氨涓庨瀵肩殑鍐冲績銆侀噸瑙嗙▼搴︿互鍙婂叏浣撲汉鍛樼殑鍗忎綔鏈夋瀬澶у叧绯汇?鐜板湪鎴戜滑闆嗗洟涓嬪睘鍑犲崄瀹跺悎璧勫叕鍙稿唴閮ㄥ熀鏈笂閮藉疄鏂戒簡杩欎竴椤圭洰锛岃繖涓庨泦鍥㈤瀵笺?鍚勭骇鍒殑绠$悊鑰呫?鍏ㄤ綋鍛樺伐鐨勬暣浣撳弬涓庢槸鍒嗕笉寮?殑銆?br />
銆??鎻ず锛氱幇浠e姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲鏄竴涓郴缁熷伐绋嬶紝闇?涓婂眰棰嗗鐨勯噸瑙嗭紝闇?鍦ㄧ粍缁囨満鏋勪笂鏈夋墍淇濊瘉锛岄渶瑕佽惤瀹炴墍闇?殑缁忚垂锛岄渶瑕佽繘琛岀浉鍏宠鍒掔殑鍒惰鍜屾墽琛屻?鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栫殑灞傛瓒婇珮锛屽伐浣滄ā寮忕殑鏀瑰彉瓒婂ぇ锛岃Е鍔ㄧ殑涓滆タ瓒婂锛岃秺涓嶅鏄撳疄鐜帮紝瓒婇渶瑕侀瀵煎湪鍒跺害銆佷汉鍛樼瓑鏂归潰鍒囧疄鐨勬敮鎸併?娌℃湁杩欎簺淇濋殰锛屽氨鏈夊彲鑳藉嚭鐜颁紶缁熺殑鍔炲叕鏂瑰紡涓庡姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲鍒嗙鐨勭幇璞★紝鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栧彧鑳芥槸涓?彞绌鸿瘽銆?br />
銆??璁$畻鏈哄懆鍒婏細鍦–ASE OA绯荤粺钀藉疄鐨勮繃绋嬩腑锛屾偍璁や负鏈?洶闅剧殑闂鏄粈涔堬紵
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銆??鑰屼笖锛屼换浣曚竴涓」鐩殑瀹炴柦閮戒笉鏄洸鐩殑鑷彂琛屼负锛岃?鏄熀浜庨渶瑕佺殑鑷鐨勫疄鏂姐?瀹炴柦CASE OA绯荤粺鐨勭獊鐮村彛灏辨槸搴旂敤锛屾彁楂樻垜浠殑鍔炲叕鏁堢巼銆備俊鎭寲瀹氫箟鏈韩灏辨槸搴旂敤淇℃伅鎶?湳浜庡悇琛屽悇涓氾紝浠庤?闄嶄綆鎴愭湰锛屾彁楂樻晥鐜囷紝鑰屼笉鑳?amp;quot;涓鸿嚜鍔ㄥ寲鑰岃嚜鍔ㄥ寲"锛岃鑺辫垂璐㈠姏銆佷汉鍔涚殑涓?簺鐢佃剳杞‖浠舵垚涓轰竴绉嶅彉鐩哥殑浼佷笟瀹d紶鍝併?涓?杩借刀鏂版疆鐨勬憜璁俱?鎬讳箣锛屾垜浠槸鐪熺敤锛?br />
銆??鑳屾櫙锛氫笂姹介泦鍥负浜嗛厤鍚堜繚闅淐ASE OA绯荤粺椤圭洰鐨勫疄鏂斤紝涓撻棬鍒跺畾浜嗕竴绯诲垪鐨勮绔犲埗搴︼紝渚嬪銆婂叧浜嶤ASE OA绯荤粺鏂囦欢澶勭悊瑙勫畾鐨勫疄鏂界粏鍒欍?銆併?鍏充簬鍙栨秷绾歌川淇℃伅銆侀儴鍒嗙焊璐ㄦ枃浠跺拰鏂囦欢褰掓。鐨勯?鐭ャ?绛夋枃浠讹紝浠庣鐞嗘柟闈㈣繘涓?鏈夊姏鎺ㄥ姩浜咰ASE OA绯荤粺鐨勫疄鏂借繘搴︺?鍦ㄦ垜浠泦鍥紝涓珮灞傜殑骞查儴鍩烘湰涓嶉厤绗斾笌绾革紝杩欐棦鍙互鐪嬩綔涓?寮哄埗鎬х殑鏆楃ず锛屼篃琛ㄦ槑浜嗕笂姹界鐞嗚?瀵逛簬鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栦箖鑷虫暣涓紒涓氫俊鎭寲鐨勯噸瑙嗐?鍔炲叕鑷姩鍖栧疄鍦ㄤ笉鏄畝鍗曞湴鍊熷姪鐢佃剳鍔炵偣浜嬶紝鑰屾槸涓?」绗﹀悎闆嗗洟鏁翠綋鍙戝睍瑙勫垝涓嬬殑鎴樼暐銆備负鍔犲揩钀藉疄瀹炴柦锛岄泦鍥笌閲戣澏涓婃捣寮??缁勭粐浜嗘妧鏈汉鍛橈紝涓撻棬瀵瑰叏浣撳姙鍏憳宸ヨ繘琛屽姙鍏嚜鍔ㄥ寲鍩硅锛岀敋鑷虫墜鎶婃墜鍦版暀涓?簺鐢佃剳鎶?兘鐢熺枏鐨勫憳宸ワ紝鍔涗簤璁╀粬浠敖蹇?搴旇繖涓?柊鐨勭幇浠h嚜鍔ㄥ寲鍔炲叕鏂瑰紡锛屼互铻嶅叆鍒颁负鏁翠釜闆嗗洟鏈嶅姟鐨勫姵鍔ㄤ腑鍘汇?杩欑瀹忚涓婃竻閱掕?鍔″疄銆佸井瑙備笂鍏蜂綋鑰岀粏鑷寸殑宸ヤ綔浣夸笂姹介泦鍥俊鎭寲宸ョ▼寰椾互杩呴?鍦板紑灞曚笌瀹炴柦銆?br />鍑哥幇淇℃伅澶ч檰
銆??璁$畻鏈哄懆鍒婏細鐩墠CASE OA绯荤粺鏄惁鏈夋槑鏄惧姛鏁堬紵涓婃苯闆嗗洟鏄惁瀹屽叏瀹炵幇浜嗘棤绾稿寲鍔炲叕锛?br />銆??钄℃?锛欳ASE OA瀹炴柦鍚庯紝缂╃煭浜嗘枃浠朵俊鎭拰鏁版嵁浼犺緭鐨勬椂绌鸿窛绂伙紝鍘熸湰闇?鍑犲ぉ鐢氳嚦鏇撮暱鏃堕棿鐨勫叕鏂囦紶杈撱?鏀舵枃鑷姩鐧昏澶勭悊鐨勮繃绋嬶紝鐜板湪鍑犲垎閽熶究鍒╁彲瀹屾垚銆傚?鍔〤ASE OA绯荤粺锛岄泦鍥㈠唴閮ㄥ疄鐜颁簡淇℃伅鍏变韩锛屼俊鎭揩閫熸绱㈠姛鑳戒娇浜嬪姟澶勭悊瓒嬩簬娴佺▼鍖栵紝鎻愰珮浜嗗姙浜嬫晥鐜囧拰涓庡姙鍏川閲忋?姝ゅ 锛孋ASE OA鍦ㄤ繚闅滀俊鎭畨鍏ㄣ?鑺傜害璐圭敤鏂归潰涔熷彂鎸ヤ簡閲嶈鐨勪綔鐢ㄣ?
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